Jim Walker is the vice president for advancement at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. His career began as a leader in Catholic education, highlighted by the successful launch of Everest Collegiate High School, an institution that has since become a beacon of educational excellence. Jim's practical expertise made him an advisor to Catholic school leaders across the United States, helping to shape the future of Catholic education.
Under Jim's leadership, Mackinac Center revenue has tripled since 2015. Donors have funded a series of broad-ranging initiatives — such as the finance plan for the Michigan Supreme Court case Midwest Institute of Health v. Governor of Michigan — which have been instrumental in defending individual liberties. His team's efforts have also empowered government employees nationwide to exercise their Janus rights, reinforcing free speech for millions.
Advocating for policies that encourage the free market to drive economic growth, job creation, and prosperity for countless individuals and families, the Mackinac Center has made an impact on Michigan and the nation. Jim's dedication and vision drive the Center's mission forward, ensuring that liberty and free-market principles thrive in today's ever-changing landscape.