Something that sets supporters of the Mackinac Center apart is the way they engage with our work. You don’t view yourselves only as sources of financial support but as partners in our mission to advance economic freedom and individual liberty. Your feedback and insight play a critical role in shaping our work and sharpening our focus.
Our supporters share their perspectives on the issues that matter most to them, increasing our effectiveness as we incorporate that feedback into our efforts to hold back the long arm of government. This strengthens our work, and helps build a stronger sense of community among friends of liberty.
Today we reflect on the comments we have received from our supporters so far this year. Messages like “Thank you for all you do,” “Please keep up with the fight,” “You’re our only hope,” “Keep the faith!” and “Now the work begins again” inspire us to keep fighting for a freer, more prosperous future.
Ironically, letters from our opponents, those who favor compulsion over freedom, also inspire us. Many are inappropriate for sharing here. Still, the criticism from proponents of big government affirms that our work is necessary.
We appreciate your valuable feedback and unwavering commitment to our shared work. Knowing that you are standing with us adds to our motivation to seek justice in court for victims of government overreach, shine a spotlight on misguided state activity, create a climate that encourages policymakers to act in the public interest, and advance free-market policies to foster human flourishing. We are grateful for your engagement and your passion. We could not continue our work without it.