GARDEN CITY — The Garden City school district selected Grand Rapids Building Services to provide custodial services to help reduce its projected $1.7 million deficit.
In April, 2006, the district issued a “request for proposal” for its custodial services. It received bids from six companies, offering annual costs from $1 million to $1.2 million. The district currently spends $2.1 million. However, severance costs for the first year are expected to offset some of the savings. The district expects to save between $260,000 and $510,000 in the coming school year, depending on how many custodians accept positions under the new management.
The district already has contracts with Aramark for food service. This year, the district expanded its contract with the company to cover its cooking positions — a move that is expected to save the district an additional $70,000.
This contract was counted in the Mackinac Center’s 2006 summer privatization survey.