1 The report of the WHO was released in June, 2000. Details are available at http://lists.isb.sdnpk.org/pipermail/health-list/2000-June/ 000010.html.
2 This Royal Commission was a group appointed by the Canadian federal government to conduct a major inquiry into the future of Canada’s health care system. It was chaired by former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow, and released its report at the end of November, 2002. Throughout this talk, when I refer to the Romanow Report, it is to this document that I am referring.
3 Will the Baby Boomers Bust the Health Budget? Demographic Change and Health Care Financing Reform, C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 148: February, 2001. www.cdhowe.org.
4 The qualifications are that for a small number of chronic conditions, such as hypertension and vision care, poor patients in these conditions underspent on care. Part of the advantage of the RAND experiment is in helping us to identify areas, such as these, where poor patients’ health can be improved by targeted subsidies.
5 Michael Walker and Martin Zelder, Critical Issues Bulletin — Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada, Fraser Institute, Vancouver, published annually.
6 Brian Lee Crowley and David Zitner, Public Health, State Secret, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, Halifax, 2001. Available at www.aims.ca.
7 David Zitner, Canadian Health Insurance: An Unregulated Monopoly: Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 2002.
8 David Harriman, William McArthur and Martin Zelder, Public Policy Sources #28: The Availability of Medical Technology in Canada: An International Comparative Study, Fraser Institute, Vancouver, 1999.
9 Brian Lee Crowley, Brian Ferguson, David Zitner and Brett Skinner, Definitely Not the Romanow Report, Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, Halifax, 2002. Available at www.aims.ca. Crowley the "intellectual architect" of the committee's report.
10 Op.cit.