Members of ABC Michigan experienced much-needed tax relief this year. The nearly 80% of independent builders and contractors across the state represented by ABC Michigan are already dealing with the effects of the anti-free-market policies that have been passed in Lansing this year. Now, their taxes may be hiked as well. Many of ABC Michigan’s members will face a larger financial impact than individual taxpayers, because taxes for their business are filed under the personal income tax.
NFIB represents nearly 10,000 small and independent businesses across Michigan and more than 287,000 nationwide. Many small businesses in the state saw thousands of dollars in tax relief this year, because nearly 60% of small businesses in the state pay their business taxes through the individual income tax. Businesses in Michigan are already facing financial hardships due to the legacy of COVID-19 shutdowns and strict regulations. Raising taxes would place yet another burden placed on businesses in a state that is already facing ongoing population decline.
When Sen. Ed McBroom, R-Waucedah Township, and Rep. Dale Zorn, R-Onsted, voted for the tax cut trigger back in 2015, they and everyone in the Legislature understood that the reduction was meant to be permanent. Taxpayers deserve clarity on how much of their money they may or may not keep. Lawmakers need an accurate picture of how much revenue will come in each year in order to budget money responsibly.
Owen Pyle
From running a ski company in Idaho to starting multiple Long John Silver’s franchises in Michigan, Owen Pyle knows what it takes to help businesses grow. He is currently president and CEO of Concord Capital Management, an investment company he started in 1974. Owen’s six decades of experience as a businessman have helped shape his belief that tax cuts incentivize businesses and residents to stay in Michigan.
Ross VanderKlok
Ross VanderKlok believes in checks and balances and the need for government officials to follow the law. A security manager from the Grand Rapids area, Ross is fighting to keep Michigan’s income tax low. He knows that he is a better steward of his own money than the state. Ross prefers to keep his money local by donating to causes he supports, whether they be charities or his church.
Barbara Carter
Barbara Carter is a retired registered nurse and has a Ph.D. in education. While Barbara saw modest relief under the tax cut, her concern is that hiking the tax rate again hurts low-income individuals. She wants to ensure Michigan taxpayers get the relief they deserve and were promised.
Bill Lubaway
Bill Lubaway is an accountant and has worked in finance for the majority of his career. A retired hospital CFO, Bill is especially frustrated with the administration's attempts to backdate receipts of revenue to avoid this income tax cut. He sees this attempt as a violation of the basic principles of accounting and financial management.
Rodney and Kimberley Davies
Rodney and Kimberley Davies recognize the importance of keeping more of the money they earn. At a time when every trip to the grocery store gets more expensive, the Davies are fighting so families like theirs can save every possible dollar.