Results 31 to 40 of 271

Climate panic is an old wine in a new bottle

Today’s eco-anxiety looks a lot like a similar scare tactic from long ago

… feeling of hopelessness” when they think about climate change, according to the London-based organization … Nearly half reported that “their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning.” … 127 legacy media outlets by the Media and Climate Change Observatory indicated that the number of climate …

Michigan to wage war on oil and gas companies

17 attorneys will litigate state claims that the fossil fuel industry contributed to climate change

… gas companies for allegedly contributing to climate change. The Department of Attorney General selected … accountable for deceiving consumers about climate change, for contaminating the drinking water people … complaints like persistent loud noise—’ to make climate change policy in the courts while landing big cash …

Michigan Pays for Fudged Climate Data

Fake news, meet settled science

… confirmed that the impacts of climate change are getting stronger and stronger.” … accuracy and transparency of climate change research federal agencies used … than previously thought, making climate change an even greater threat. Thomas … temperature data in its 2016 Climate Change Indicators report. Those EPA …

The Façade is Falling

Environmental researchers and activists are rebelling

… the environment and stop climate change. But four key works published … years if we don't address climate change.” Four new works, though, … Lomborg, “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, … scientific consensus over climate change. He also supports an international … Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he approaches climate …

Forest Management is More Effective Than Climate Virtue-Signaling

Governors across the country should take note

… these massive fires on climate change. In a heated press conference, … counterparts, using the climate change diagnosis as the impetus … seeing the impacts of climate change right now,” she said, … fires’ real causes. If climate change were the main culprit, … “borders can’t contain climate change” and that these fires …

Bad Science Fuels Environmental Policies

… of ignoring science in climate change policy. Two studies published … are supposedly causing climate change. One of the studies calculated … political pressure to act on climate change. As Nicholas Nuttall, … as the silver bullet of climate change." But contrary to conventional … between carbon dioxide and climate change; predictions of future …

Public Events: Two Free-Market Panels of Experts to Examine Green Jobs and Climate Change

… director of Climate Strategies Watch, is considered a top authority on climate change policy development at the state level. Shikha Dalmia, senior policy … encourage job creation." The first event, "The Changing Debate on Climate Change," takes place at Oakland University in the Oakland Center in Banquet …

Michigan’s broadband spending program day late, dollar short

State internet office finally has application process off the ground, but next federal administrator is likely to reject its funding plan

… internet infrastructure, and for mandating that recipients perform climate change assessments. All of these criticisms apply to the MIHI funding approval … the ways that they’ve imposed extra legal requirements. There’s also climate change regulations, union mandates, wholesale access requirements... all kinds …

Caught With Their Swimming Trunks Down

Great Lakes levels prove climate alarmists wrong

… alarmists presented the situation as undeniable evidence of impending climate change doom. A major element of this Chicken Little message was that we — … misrepresentation will be allowed to escape once more. The manmade climate change/global warming industry is powerful enough to keep the debacle of the …

No, Michigan climate policy won’t improve the weather

Protecting the vulnerable means keeping their lights on

… claiming that addressing climate change is a moral imperative … in an effort to combat climate change. HB 4759 is part of a … labeled “a consequence of climate change” by Pohutsky during the … Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change wrote in its 2012 document, … and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. That finding …