Results 1 to 10 of 490

The Case for School Choice

Prepared for the Revenue & Taxation Committee, Oklahoma House of Representatives

… expert testimony before the Oklahoma House of Representatives's Revenue and Taxation Committee on the issue of increasing school choice in that state.  The … transcript of his testimony. Thank you Rep. Calvey and the Revenue and Taxation Committee for the opportunity to speak with you about the issue of school …

Commemorating the Repeal of the Stamp Act

The history of transaction taxes in America

… I must give would operate strongly in our favour, as the number of our Law Suits, Deeds, . . . & in short almost all the Objects of the intended taxation & Dutys are so very numerous in the Colony that the knowledge of them would tend to the imposing of a Duty so much the Lower as the Objects were …

Debate over Proposal A continues seven years later

School officials criticize lack of taxation power

… even intensify in the next legislative session. Recent legislation was introduced that would amend Michigan's school finance system and grant more taxation power to districts. What is not apparent is whether Michigan citizens are willing to keep the sales tax increase and accept higher property taxes …

With 87K new IRS agents, middle class can expect more audits

Joint Committee on Taxation says nearly 60% of the new taxes will come from people making $50K or less

… want out of the new agents? Biden, the IRS and the Joint Committee on Taxation each give a different answer. Biden says the IRS will target the rich … Committee on Finance takes a different view. It cites the Joint Committee on Taxation, which says, “The brunt of any new revenue from hiring an army of IRS …

Talking Michigan Taxes: Potential Increases and Reforms in 2021

Mackinac Center Policy Forum – Virtual Event

… potential revenue losses from the COVID-19 crisis as a reason to raise taxes. These interests to hike taxes meet a new Legislature with a new agenda, and taxation levels will surely be a hot topic in 2021. This online event will give a general overview of how Michigan's tax system compares to other states, …

Criterion 8: Taxation

Taxation transfers resources from the private sector, where … issues in the economics of taxation. The incidence of taxation. Taxes are frequently levied … certain actions. Many times taxation can make activities that … adjusted to them. The cost of taxation. Taxes do not collect themselves. …

California's Experience With Cigarette Taxation

… John Shannon, "The ACIR Study on State Excise Taxation of Sales to the Military," in Proceedings of … [189] Author's calculation using data from State Taxation of Military Income and Store Sales (Washington, … Bureau, and The Tax Burden on Tobacco. [190] State Taxation of Military Income and Store Sales, 13-16. [191] …

No Taxation Without Respiration!

… America’s founding fathers protested British policy with the cry, "No taxation without representation!" The modern equivalent as it relates to the onerous death tax ought to be, "No taxation without respiration!" (Dr. Jefferson G. Edgens, formerly of Michigan, …