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Gov. Whitmer Falsely Claims Corporate Handouts Helped Develop the Pfizer Vaccine

Corporate welfare programs are ineffective

… Pfizer's vaccine work to justify unrelated corporate welfare,” said Michael LaFaive, senior director of … “It is not uncommon for politicians pushing corporate handouts to engage in aggrandizing puffery or … program allows a state board to select major corporate projects to receive special tax incentives. If …

Center Research Cited in Daily Caller

Corporate welfare continues to grow

… Policy James Hohman, is featured in a story by The Daily Caller about corporate welfare. You can read more about the Center’s work on corporate welfare here.

Cut Corporate Welfare to Help Balance State Budget

Tenuous relationship between corporate welfare and economic health

… balance the budget is to eliminate the state’s corporate welfare programs and supporting bureaucracy. The … that currently flow directly to the state’s corporate-welfare bureaucracy. The MEDC takes money from many … spending. It should start with eliminating corporate welfare spending.

Governor’s Budget Proposal Revisits Pure Michigan, Other Industry Welfare

There is no need to raise corporate welfare spending

… tourists to the Great Lake State. The latter is a corporate handout program that gives cash grants and loans … proposal also recommends lifting spending for a corporate welfare line item cut deeply last year by the Michigan … that study here. There is no need to raise corporate welfare spending in the state. Research shows such …

Tilt from Tax Cutting to Corporate Welfare Renews Failed Approach to Economic Growth

Lawmakers face a number of corporate welfare proposals

… 2000 and 2010: more corporate welfare. If there was any evidence … scaled back the pace of corporate giveaways, eventually ended … last recession. But corporate welfare is always an attraction … session could see a corporate welfare blowout. To protect … details. Lansing’s corporate welfare backsliding may be gaining …

Ask questions when job promises disappear

The state must tell us more about corporate giveaways, and so must subsidized companies

… skeptical of lawmakers who hand out taxpayer money to select companies. Corporate welfare is ineffective at creating jobs, unfair to the businesses that don’t … goes or what taxpayers get in return. If lawmakers want to continue corporate giveaways, there are many basic improvements to be made.

Return of the Mega Subsidy

Corporate welfare still demonstrably ineffective

… Legislature pulled the plug on the state’s Michigan Economic Growth Authority corporate handout program, many Lansing politicians are eager to increase the size … treasury $1 billion, roughly equal to all the money generated by the state’s corporate income tax payers. MEGA is not the state’s only failed attempt at job …

Mackinac Center Stands Behind Interstate Compact

New legislation to eliminate corporate welfare would be beneficial

… Disarmament: A State Compact to End Corporate Welfare.” States should compete with … long been a proponent of ending corporate welfare programs. In 2019, the Center … Disarmament: A State Compact to End Corporate Welfare.” The study examined the problems with corporate welfare and proposed a state compact. …

Growth Fuels Budget Priorities in House and Senate Budgets

Real Cuts to Corporate Welfare on the Table

… Legislature passed budgets that found more transportation money without raising tax rates. And both do so, in part, by decreasing support for corporate welfare. The Senate-passed budget includes $93 million in extra road funding. The House-passed budget includes $372 million in extra road funding. Neither …