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‘Equal’ treatment of schools masks a double standard

Charters already follow the same transparency rules as everyone else in Michigan

… egislators are calling on charter schools to report employee … their reason for subjecting charter schools to unequal reporting standards. “It’s time for charter school companies to be required … companies that nonprofit, public charter schools contract with to operate … But it’s only the private charter companies that are being targeted …

Michigan Charter School Wars

… standout Jalen Rose opened a new charter school in his hometown of … which limits the number of charter schools that can be approved … universities, the most common charter school authorizers. Michigan … on university-authorized charter schools in Michigan. This … repeat history? Read the "Charter Wars" history here: https: …

State takes aim at charter schools

Transparency claims don’t hold water, could put charters out of business

… month that could regulate charter schools out of existence. … false claims about lack of charter school transparency. And this … regulations, for Michigan’s charter schools. But as public entities … Freedom of Information Act, charter schools must comply with the … state of the law. Michigan charter schools are subject to FOIA, …

Inaccurate Claims Buoy Attacks On Charter Public Schools

'There is no such thing as a "for-profit" charter school in Michigan'

… of the district, opposed charter public schools in a letter … newspaper that criticized some charter schools as being  “for profit.” Charter public schools in Michigan … other services yet attack charter schools for doing the same … Contrary to some media reports, charter schools are “nonprofits,” …

Member of state ed board called for ending charter schools

Board of Ed member who said in 2016, ‘charter schools should end,’ among those voting to have state, school districts, veto new charter schools

… over the creation of new charter schools, which would be a … previously called for an end to charter schools Mitchell Robinson, … has regularly criticized charter schools, both on his personal … Eclectablog, he compared charter schools to private prisons. … scenario, the explosion of charter schools in the last decade …

A Response to the New York Times About Charter Schools in Michigan

… shows that school choice — charters, tax credits, vouchers and … Times Article on Michigan Charter Schools An article in the … gave a view of the state of charter schools in Michigan that is … titled “Michigan Gambled on Charter Schools. Its Children Lost.” … point in the story is that charter schools in Michigan are allowed …

Michigan Families Flock to Charter Schools During COVID

Nation’s 30th anniversary of first charter law finds bright future

… adopting the nation’s first charter school law. Today more than … options in many states, public charter schools retain a prominent … true in our state, where charters are a well-established part … the oldest and strongest charter school laws in the nation. … one of the highest rates of charter enrollment, thanks in part …

Charter Schools a Valuable Investment for Taxpayers

Charters prove more cost effective and produce larger ROI

… Center for Public Policy, charter schools are saving taxpayer … Doing More With Less: The Charter School Advantage in Michigan, … taxpayer investment in Michigan charter schools across 71 cities, … funding inequities between charter schools and traditional public … more per pupil than Michigan charter schools. Yet, charter schools …

Don't Trust Ed-Trust on Charter Schools

Group seeks ed reform, but misses mark on charters

… their children in public charter schools. But its case against charter schooling is weak, and the … available evidence on the impact charter schools are having in Michigan. The report states that “…charter schools often perform below … test scores from Detroit charter schools are a fair representation …

Michigan Charter School Growth Modest Since Limits Lifted In 2011

Opponents predicted a charter ‘in every neighborhood’

… cap on the number of public charter schools in the state, one … said the act would put “a charter school in every neighborhood.” … fear was shared by the anti-charter school movement. In October … cap. While that happened, charter school critic and Michigan … But the explosion of new charter schools that Arsen and others …