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Plot to Kill Film Credits Begins to Look Plausible

… obviously something like the film credits would be something that … for something like the film credits. Clearly a major reason the film credits hadn’t been eliminated … Snyder has never liked the film credits. In the summer of 2010, … asked Rick Snyder about the film credits and he said, “They have …

Michigan May Send Film Credits to the Cutting Room Floor

Bill looks to end subsidies, $500 million and no job gains later

… spokeswoman Katie Carey said the film credit program “has been a good job creator … credits, you'd find that with the film credits, that's one of the areas that has … has spent $494.4 million on the film credit program from 2008 through 2014. … Legislature to take immediate action.” Film credits, and industry-specific subsidies …

Lawmakers Tackle Film Credit Transparency

… review the filmmakers' requests for tax refunds allowed by the state film credit legislation enacted in 2008 to induce moviemakers to come to Michigan. … million in 2011 and as two other states have had problems with their film credit programs. In Louisiana, the director of the governor's film and television …

Lawmakers Tackle Film Credit Transparency

… review the filmmakers' requests for tax refunds allowed by the state film credit legislation enacted in 2008 to induce moviemakers to come to Michigan. … million in 2011 and as two other states have had problems with their film credit programs. In Louisiana, the director of the governor's film and television …

$72 Million in Film Credits Not Reported by Film Office

… film office report states that the reported tax credits that year were $47.9 million as of Feb. 9, 2009. Hohman said one possibility is that the film credits that were pending at the time the report was released were never included in later reports. State Representative Tom McMillin, R-Rochester Hills, …