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Climate panic is an old wine in a new bottle

Today’s eco-anxiety looks a lot like a similar scare tactic from long ago

… feeling of hopelessness” when they think about climate change, according to the London-based organization … Nearly half reported that “their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning.” … 127 legacy media outlets by the Media and Climate Change Observatory indicated that the number of climate …

Global Warmist Media Thought Police

The claim that 97 percent of scientists believe climate change is a threat is false

… with an extraterrestrial, the questioner could hardly display greater scorn. Quickly the interviewer adds that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has cited a survey of peer-reviewed literature by climate scientists showing that 97 percent of them consider man-made global warming to be both …

'Big Oil' and Climate Change

Debunking an urban myth

… the belief in man-made climate change. This idea only makes … the theory of man-made climate change. In reality, the oil industry … cash in on the man-made climate change dogma. Funding available … argument that man-made climate change is bunk (if there is any … efforts to dispute man-made climate change, the politics surrounding …

Climate Change Happens; Now What?

Climate change happens; now what?” How would you respond to … on policy solutions to climate change and whether the private … “stemming the damage of climate change.” I pointed out that … phrase, “the damage of climate change” undefined. Without a … understanding of whether climate change is an existential threat …

Don’t Confuse Cold Weather Snap for Climate Change

Swings in temperatures have always happened in Michigan

… Gov. Whitmer claimed that climate change-induced extreme temperature … – and a reminder that climate change and extreme weather are … National Climate Assessment - Climate Change Indicators - U.S. Heat … absolutely proves that climate change-induced extreme weather … Climate Assessment's “Climate Change Indicators” page contained …

Biden seeks $11B for international climate change projects

Biden said he wants to mobilize $100B for “climate action in developing nations”

… ident Joe Biden wants America to spend $11 billion on international climate change projects. “Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly on September … to assist low-income countries with reducing their vulnerability to climate change impacts and building climate resilience.”

Legal expert calls Michigan's oil and gas lawsuit ‘utterly unethical’

Attorney seeks $475 an hour or 25% of recovered settlements

… gas companies for allegedly contributing to climate change. Climate change decreases tourism, harms agriculture and depletes … oil and gas companies for contributing to climate change. In Colorado, a judge refused to dismiss …

The Real Story Behind the Feds Pursuing 'Climate Change Deniers'

Conservative media exaggerate Attorney General investigation

… taking legal action against “climate change deniers.” The stories focused … Department of Justice has gone after climate change skeptics. According to Lynch’s … professors who are labeled as “climate change deniers” could not be penalized … investigation of the potential for climate change,” Jeffers said in an email. “They …

Federal Park Staffers Defy Presidential Order, Tweet Climate Change Warnings

More CO2 in the atmosphere 'than at any time in the last 650,000 years,' said park's Twitter feed

… blackout on social media by using the park’s Twitter account to tweet climate change facts. After President Donald Trump issued a ban on social media use … deleted. The incident caused a new flare-up in the ongoing debate over climate change policy. While they get less mainstream media coverage, some climate …

Don’t panic over the reefs

How are coral populations enduring ‘runaway climate change’?

… Global Ecology, told USA Oceana. Climate change advocates like Caldeira say that … tipping point, “after which runaway climate change intensifies beyond humanity’s … articles, shows “little evidence for climate change affecting reefs in a linear fashion.” … reef expansion and decline to climate change fail to explain why previous temperature …