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Michigan higher education policy is out of wack — here’s how to improve it

Give the money directly to students, not the universities

… highest level ever. Michigan's higher education policy does not seem well thought … These states also distribute higher education money as financial aid, not direct … entity of their choice. Jarrett Skorup is vice president for marketing and … a senior research fellow in higher education at the Cato Institute.

Government Spending on Universities Rise, Tuition Hikes Follow

Higher education funding returns little to the state

… for these subsidies. Higher education spending does not necessarily … example, federal funding for higher education increased 10 fold from … government subsidies for higher education are – contrary to popular … another $80 billion on higher education in the form of direct … money has been a driver of higher costs for students and created …

College Spending Results Questioned

More money doesn't yield better results

… that do not invest in higher education will not win in the 21st … states that spend more on higher education do not have more college … association with spending on higher education and economic growth. … total public spending on higher education nationwide has left us … using the money spent on higher education in ways that will attract …

Fix Disparities in Public University Funding in Michigan

The way the state spends $1.5 billion on higher education is unfair

… Legislature wants to base more of higher education on real performance measures. … Degree at Michigan Universities Higher Education Spending Myths More College … Subsidies a Growing Problem As Higher Education Bubble Accelerates, Alternatives … Government Shouldn't Subsidize Higher Education

More Government Spending Equals Higher Prices

Why college costs are exploding

… across the board. Increasing federal aid for higher education, intended to make college more affordable, … federal government is fueling a vicious cycle of higher prices and government aid that ultimately could … taxpayers and price some Americans out of higher education, similar to what some economists contend …

More College Subsidies a Poor Investment

Higher spending doesn't mean a better economy

… going toward funding higher education. This increase in funding … State Shouldn’t Subsidize Higher Education" among many others. … state level, funding for higher education has little to do with … the rich states funding higher education while the poor states … resident should seek out the education they think will most help …

‘Fact Check’ on Higher Education Piece Falls Flat

State aid for colleges still wasteful

… “lost decade,” have to pay higher taxes for universities like … already well-to-do? A higher education lobbying group responded … about the funding of higher education on behalf of students … budget, it's hard to imagine higher ed not being affected with … the general fund, on higher education. The evidence shows that …

The Evidence is Clear: State Spending on Colleges is Wasteful

Michigan increases higher education spending by tens of millions

… state government’s spending on higher education and the state’s educational attainment. … population with a bachelor’s degree or higher while the horizontal axis is per capita … correlation, the dots would move higher from the left to right. They don’t. … interested in improving the overall education levels of its residents, then simply …

MichiganVotes: Legislation Grants More Money, Taxpayer Debt For University Construction

Some experts see 'higher education bubble'

… But some experts see a "higher education bubble" on the horizon … analysis of whether a college education is worth its price is challenging, … doesn’t need to subsidize higher education (and I’m including in … other special favors to higher education)," Davies said. "If the … obligations that could result in higher taxes and painful cuts.  …

Five Reasons the Government Shouldn’t Subsidize Higher Education

… 2013.) Requests for more higher education funding are a hot topic. … There is no link between higher education subsidies and economic … Michigan has spent a much higher proportion of personal income … should require a college education. This belief leads to subsidies … that problem. ##### Jarrett Skorup is a research associate at …