
An analogy used to describe the extent to which a political party is exclusive or inclusive is whether or not it is a “big tent” or a “small tent.” This analogy is most commonly employed in reference to the Republican Party. In essence, the terms “big tent” and “small tent” are used to describe the width and depth of a party’s political appeal.

The new edition of Michigan Education Digest is now available online. Topics include charter public school operations, inaccurate student counts and control of Detroit Public Schools.

Rob Wiersema, a long-time teacher at Hopkins High School in Allegan County, explains in today’s Detroit News why he opted out of the Michigan Education Association. You can find out more about Rob and other teachers who have left the MEA here.

He also wrote about his decision to leave the union in the Lansing State Journal.

Today’s editorial in The Detroit News alerts members of the Michigan Education Association that they only have until the end of August to opt out of the union if they choose to do so. More information can be found at

Audrey Spalding, director of education policy, writes about the issue in The Tecumseh Herald.

The Senate held one session this week with several votes on substantive measures. The House remains out until Aug. 27.

Initiated Legislation 2, Preempt referendum banning wolf hunt: Passed 23 to 10 in the Senate

To preempt the effect of a referendum placed on the November ballot by interests opposed to wolf hunting. Specifically, this measure would make “referendum-proof” a 2013 law giving the legislature and Natural Resources Commission exclusive authority to decide which species may be hunted in Michigan. It would do so by making a small change to that law and adding a modest appropriation, which under a 2001 Supreme Court ruling makes the law not subject to referendum. This measure (Initiated Legislation 2) was sponsored by groups in favor of a wolf hunt. If the House also passes it, the initiative banning wolf hunts that has already been approved for the November 2014 ballot will not go into effect, even if a majority of voters approve it.

They 7th edition of “Rich States, Poor States” was released recently and it ranks Michigan 12th best among the 50 states for its “economic outlook” based on 15 public policy variables, such as tax, business and labor policies. The higher position may signal better economic times ahead for Michigan.

Audrey Spalding, director of education policy, writes at Townhall today about the roadblocks unions put in front of members who try to exercise their worker freedom rights, including arbitrary “windows” during which the unions say is the only time members can resign.

This week’s version of Michigan Education Digest is now online. Topics include a year-round school pilot program in Ypsilanti, Flint’s overspending crisis and enrollment declines in northern Michigan school districts.

Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, who is running for governor of that state, has rolled out a plan that would repeal a number of occupational licensing rules. These standards restrict individuals from engaging in certain commerce without permission from the state (and often include paying extra money, taking tests, and meeting other requirements).

Just one out of every two entering high school freshmen manage to graduate from Pontiac Public Schools, a rate lower than the vast majority of Michigan conventional districts and charter public schools. And Pontiac's finances are just as bad as its academic performance: The district is overspending by close to $40 million per year.

While the Legislature is on a summer break the Roll Call Report is reviewing key votes of the 2013-2014 session.

Initiated Legislation 1, Ban abortion coverage through federal health care law exchange: Passed 27 to 11 in the Senate on December 11, 2013

There is an ongoing debate about spending in the state of Michigan. Almost every major sector of government complains that it doesn’t receive enough funding — this is true of cities, townships, school districts and state government.

History shows that it is the nature of government (at all levels) to try and expand. And the Mackinac Center has written a lot about each of those areas and taken on many of the specific complaints to try and counter that nature.

Research Associate Jarrett Skorup today was a guest on “Opinion Journal Live” with The Wall Street Journal, discussing the outcome of the Republican primary in Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District, which incumbent Rep. Justin Amash won 57-43.

Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio was a guest on “Capital City Recap” with host Michael Cohen on WILS AM1320 in Lansing Tuesday evening, discussing and how Michigan Education Association members can resign from the union during the month of August.

The latest version of Michigan Education Digest is available at Topics include how teachers can resign from the MEA, the overspending crisis in the Benton Harbor school district and support for a new charter public school in Jackson.

The campaign season has been filled with claims from candidates that they will create jobs. A common strategy is to target a business or an industry for special state support and to claim credit whenever jobs are added by companies receiving support. A quick look at the job creation and loss figures for the economy as a whole shows that this approach is not a workable one.

State and national media are reporting on the Mackinac Center’s efforts to inform Michigan Education Association members about their rights to opt out of the union during the month of August.

Fox News, The Detroit News, Livingston Daily Press & Argus, MLive and the Cadillac News have all reported on the Center’s website,, which provides teachers with the information if they so which to resign from the union.

The Center for Michigan’s Truth Squad recently rated an ad to support Proposal 1 as clear of factual issues. The ad, however, contains multiple problems.

The ad states, “Proposal 1 will make Michigan more competitive by eliminating the unfair double tax on personal property that small businesses are forced to pay. That will create up to 15,000 new jobs without raising taxes.”

While the Legislature is on a summer break the Roll Call Report is reviewing key votes of the 2013-2014 session.

House Concurrent Resolution 11, Authorize "Common Core" school curriculum standards: Passed 85 to 21 in the House on September 26, 2013

To authorize the Michigan Department of Education to spend money to implement "Common Core" curriculum promoted by an entity associated with the National Governors Association, subject to various restrictions and conditions. The Senate adopted the measure with fewer restrictions in an unrecorded voice vote.

Lovers of liberty are today recognizing the birthday of intellectual powerhouse and Nobel laureate Milton Friedman, who was born 102 years ago in Brooklyn, New York to immigrant parents. Friedman, who died in 2006, was my intellectual hero.

As I have noted in previous blog posts, Friedman revolutionized the economic science while teaching it to the everyman. He is arguably the most influential economist of the 20th Century, perhaps (unfortunately) next to John Maynard Keynes. Friedman cut so many new paths it is difficult to sum up his contributions to economics and public policy in a book, let alone a blog post.

Today is Dr. Milton Friedman's birthday. The renowned economist who brought economic principles to the masses would have been 102 today.

One of Dr. Friedman's most valuable contributions was his work on education policy. In this regard, Friedman was a visionary. Most people accept the status quo, namely a system of government-run schools, without considering its justification or how it can be improved. tells the story of Rob Wiersema, a Michigan teacher who says the Michigan Education Association did not give him the proper information he needed to opt out of the union.

The MEA has admitted it doesn't explain how teachers can leave. The Mackinac Center's Director of Labor Policy F. Vincent Vernuccio says he is helping to provide teachers with information so that they can make an informed choice in August with the website

Opponents of right-to-work predicted many negative economic results before Michigan became the country's 24th right-to-work state.

But, as a recent Capitol Confidential article points out, incomes have risen in the first full year since the worker freedom law went into effect. The article was picked up by Fox News, the American Thinker, and

Opponents of freedom-based solutions paid the Mackinac Center several compliments during a work session at Netroots Nation 2014. The gathering is described as a "giant family reunion for the left."

Both Fox News and wrote about how the Mackinac Center gains the respect of policy-makers and the public with powerful ideas. Read the Watchdog article here and the Fox News article here.

While the Legislature is on a summer break the Roll Call Report is reviewing key votes of the 2013-2014 session.

Senate Bill 542, Permit more generous government employee health benefits: Passed 38 to 0 in the Senate on October 8, 2013.

To increase from $11,000 to $12,250 the “hard cap” on the amount that a local government or school district can spend for an "individual-plus-spouse" employee health care policy under a 2011 law limiting the cost of such benefits.

Michigan Education Digest

Michigan Education Digest

Michigan Education Digest