1. We are eager to pass what will be the largest investment in marketing Michigan in our history, expanding to new markets, trumpeting our virtues across the nation and around the world.
2. We agree that we must pass the most robust incentives in the nation to spur growth of the film industry in Michigan.
3. We agree that we must spur the cultural life that makes cities attractive places to live and visit.
4. First: the Michigan Job Creation Tax Credit – a one time offer for businesses in the 50 fastest growing industries in the country.
5. Second: I will create the Michigan Invests! Fund – a fund that will put Michigan money to work building Michigan’s economic future.
6. That’s why I am asking the Legislature to set ambitious alternative energy goals for Michigan — produce 10 percent of our electrical energy from renewable sources by the year 2015 and a full 25 percent by the year 2025.
7. As soon as this Legislature acts on a comprehensive energy package, Consumers Energy and DTE will begin to jointly invest up to $6 billion in Michigan.
8. We are going to create Centers of Excellence across the state to bring alternative energy companies and Michigan universities together to create new products and new jobs.
9. I’m also asking you to pass tax incentives for anchor companies in the alternative energy sector that get their suppliers to also locate in Michigan.
10. Next week, I’ll introduce a budget that increases our investment in our K-12 schools ...
11. … and significantly expands early childhood education.
12. I’ll also ask all of our school districts to begin offering full day kindergarten. This simple step will make a dramatic difference in the lives of children.
13. In the weeks ahead, I urge this Legislature to raise the drop-out age to 18.
14. My new budget will establish a 21st Century Schools Fund to replace large impersonal high schools that fail, with smaller schools that use firm discipline and strong personal relationships to help students reach high expectations.
15. Senator Van Woerkom and Representative Melton have sponsored bipartisan legislation that will soon expand the vision of the Kalamazoo Promise to communities across our state. Senator, Representative – thank you – I look forward to signing your bills.
16. The higher education budget I propose will take aim at that problem by rewarding colleges and universities when their students complete degrees. We’ll also reward them when they create opportunity for low-income students, and when they find ways to turn research ideas into businesses. We will invest more in higher education and we will expect more in return.
17. We will also invest more in training for adults already in the workforce.
18. I’m increasing oversight of lenders to make sure people are not being scammed.
19. And when the Legislature passes the "Save the Dream" home ownership protection package, we will have given citizens meaningful ways to refinance at low interest rates and save their homes from foreclosure.
20. Third, we need to strengthen Michigan laws to stop gas pump ripoffs. This year, I’ll ask the Legislature to amend our antitrust and consumer protection laws to give the attorney general and prosecutors broader authority to investigate price-fixing at the pump and gas-gouging by big oil.
21. This week, I will issue an executive order creating an insurance advocate whose sole responsibility will be to fight for fair and affordable rates for insurance ratepayers – no matter where they live.
22. In my budget, by adding 100 new state troopers, we’ll be able to expand our partnerships with local law enforcement in high crime areas.
23. Tonight, I commit to recruiting 10,000 more mentors. [To mentor children.]
24. And finally, we must continue to push for accessible and affordable health care for all – another critical need in today’s changing economy. …We have asked for federal support for our Michigan First Health Care Plan to expand coverage to the uninsured in Michigan and haven’t gotten it.
1. The budget I’ll present to the Legislature next month will contain: $200 million in additional cuts and reforms. ...
2. There are three major reforms I want to underscore: first, we can achieve significant savings in our Corrections Department by adopting changes that save money but do not compromise public safety.
3. The House and Senate have each introduced bills for legislators to follow the lead of state employees [on concessions in health care and benefits].
4. A third reform: we must continue to streamline government’s interactions with the business community. We are partnering with business to create a One Stop Shop for businesses, a single Web portal and one number to call to cut red tape.
Also see The Unvarnished State of the State.
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