Climate Hustle 2 pulls no punches. It goes right to the heart of the Green New Deal and the UN Paris climate pact as it exposes the motives behind the climate agenda. The film features prominent scientists and policy experts who explain how the agenda to control the climate is about controlling YOU. Join us for this private screening, as well an in-person Q & A session with executive producer and writer Marc Morano.
Climate Hustle 2 is a film Al Gore, AOC, and the United Nations DO NOT want you to see.
Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas: “No film debunks the faith of the climate change cult better than Climate Hustle 2. And it does it with facts!”
Movie critic Christian Toto of “Climate Hustle 2 will be the most subversive movie of the year, no doubt.”
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
5:45 p.m. - Doors open
6:30 p.m. - Movie
Q & A with Marc Morano
Price includes complementary
popcorn and soda
Emagine Royal Oak
200 N. Main St.
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Call our Events office at
Registration is closed.
Climate Hustle 2 looks at both popular scientific claims surrounding climate change and examines motivations of those clamoring for immediate action. Featuring leading scientists, politicians and policy experts, and hosted by actor Kevin Sorbo, the film showcases many instances of Hollywood hypocrisy, financial corruption, media bias, classroom indoctrination, political correctness and other troubling matters surrounding the global warming issue.