State and national media relied heavily on Mackinac Center experts to explain the benefits to Michigan becoming the 24th right-to-work state Tuesday.
Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio appeared on Fox Business and was cited in The Boston Globe, and also discussed the issue on KXNT 100.5FM in Las Vegas.
Patrick J. Wright, director of the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, told Forbes.com that right-to-work gives union members a choice and those who find value in their union will continue paying dues.
“That’s all we’re asking, give them a choice whether to pay the money,” he said.
Wright also told the Detroit Free Press that unions will continue to exist, despite claims by opponents to the contrary.
Wright explained to Bloomberg that any injunction against the law based on the “equal protection” clause of the Constitution is unlikely to succeed.
“We like to think this is bigger than unions,” Wright told USA Today. “It’s going to make this place a better choice for businesses to grow and expand.”
Center research and analysts were cited by US News, Investor’s Business Daily, WLSN-TV 6 in Lansing, KLAS-TV8 in Las Vegas, WXYZ-TV7 in Detroit, the New York Daily News and The Washington Times.
A video posted on the Center’s YouTube page was included in a roundup of the protests at the Capitol in The New York Times. Vernuccio told Fox News that emotions can run high when freedom is discussed.
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